Monday, September 23, 2013

Valentin Serov ( Валентин Серов ), Russia's Silver Age - Russian portrai...

Valentin Serov (18651911) was a famous Russian portrait artist, he painted the portraits of many celebrities at that time.

瓦倫丁謝羅夫 (18651911)是俄羅斯著名的肖像畫家,為許多名人畫肖像畫。

Self-portrait,1880s. Pencil on paper.
瓦倫丁謝羅夫自畫像 (鉛筆畫)  1880年代

Portrait of Nicholas II of Russia, 1896
Nicholas II of Russia (1868 – 1918)

Portrait of Nikolai Rimski-Korsakov, 1898
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov(1844 – 1908), Russian composer.

Portrait of Children (Sasha and Yura Serov), 1899

Portrait of Maria Yermolova, 1905
Maria Yermolova (1853 – 1928), Russian actress
俄羅斯著名女演員Maria Yermolova

Portrait of Ida Rubinstein, 1910
Ida Rubinstein(1885 – 1960)), Russian ballerina
俄羅斯著名的女芭蕾舞者Ida Rubinstein

Monday, September 16, 2013

常玉: 中國現代/20世紀畫家 Sanyu: 20th-century Chinese artist

Sanyu(1901 - 1966), an early 20th-century Chinese artist, is a master in using fluent lines to display concise expressions. Brush lines are the main techniques to paint in traditional Chinese art. He can manage lines in a way that would startle patrons of Chinese oil paintings. Sanyu learned art in China and in Japan in his early years. Then in 1920, when he was 19, he went to Paris, which was a prominent art center at the time, to study art, and subsequently spent the rest of his life in Pairs besides a two-year residence in New York. However, Sanyu was an art student out of the norm. He spent much time in reading literature at café, playing music, and strolling on the streets of Paris. In the 1930s, Sanyu was one of the few artists from the East who drew attention in the art circles of Paris. The subjects of Sanyu’s paintings mostly surround flowers, nudes, and animals. Now let’s get an intimate look at the way he uses lines in oils.


Sanyu was born in Sichuan, China.


Monday, September 9, 2013

Takashi Murakami: Japanese contemporary artist

Sushi, kimonos, geisha, robots, and Mount Fuji may makes you think of Japan. Once you arrive in Japan, you will probably be surprised by the popularity of myriad manga (Japanese comics) and kawaii (Japanese for "cute") fashion around the country. These pop culture trends deeply influence Japanese commercial activities, and even daily life in that society. For instance, you might easily catch a glimpse of younger people as well as the elderly reading manga in the metro, or you might find yourself gazing at Japanese dressing in kawaii clothing. 
The cultural atmosphere impels Takashi Murakami (1962- ), an internationally renowned Japanese contemporary artist, to create many art pieces about otaku culture. Otaku refers to a person who is addicted to anime and manga fandoms. And this kind of artworks made Takashi Murakami world-famous. Let’s see his “cute” artworks first.

的確,一旦有機會抵達日本,你會驚訝四處充滿漫畫和卡哇伊流行,這樣的文化早已深深影響日本當地的商業活動和日常生活。舉例來說,走在路上會瞥見穿著可愛打扮的男女,地鐵裡的青少年和老年人都在讀漫畫,商店販售大量卡哇依商品。種種獨特的文化風格,促使日本當代藝術家村上隆(1962 - ),創作關於御宅族文化的藝術作品,並使村上隆躍上世界的舞台,大放異彩。一起來看看這些「可愛」的作品。


And then and then and then and then


Tan Tan Bo Puking

Time bokan-pink

Miss Ko2

Flower Ball

Kaikai Kiki 

Planet 66

Jellyfish Eyes

Jellyfish Eyes- Max and Simon in the Strange Forest

Super Nova

Eco Eco Rangers Earth Force

In 2003, he cooperated with the fashion brand Louis Vuition.

Eye Love Superflat

Take a look at an anime ”Superflat Monogran Cartoon”.

P.S. The term Superflat, an art movement founded by Takashi Murakami, refers to the sense of emptiness in Japanese popular culture and art, as nowadays Japanese like cute things lacking substance. 

Here are his art pieces displayed at the Palace of Versailles, France, in 2010.

Image from Takashi Murakami and Château de Versailles 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Tofu’s birthplace

Have you ever tasted Tofu? If so, do you know who invented it? Although Tofu is one of the most common foods in Asia and shared by many cultures, it actually originated more than 2,000 years ago in China. In the attempt to make the elixir of immortality, ancient Chinese people used the wrong formula and voila! Tofu was born. The primary ingredient in tofu is soy beans, which are extremely good source of protein for a healthy diet. Next time you are in an Asian restaurant, give it a go!


Mapo tofu 麻婆豆腐

Stinky tofu 臭豆腐

Image from mingpaofun / tranews